Your Partner for
Software Innovation

We are consistently dedicated to the satisfaction of our clients by providing highly innovative services with professionalism and excellence.

We can assist you in managing and modernizing your IT infrastructure and in resolving any type of problem that a company may face..

If you are interested in collaborating with us in a young, creative, and multidisciplinary environment, explore the various job opportunities available.

// history

For twenty-eight years together:
a story to tell

The origins

A group of engineers from the Olivetti Research world decided to pool their expertise to create a startup in Calabria. It was 1996 when Pegasoft was founded, entering the market by capitalizing on research and development skills in the ICT sector. Initially, it focused on designing and developing hardware and software solutions for professionals, public and private companies.
Production activities are complemented by research and development efforts aimed at creating products and competencies that provide added value and a competitive advantage for the Company.

International partnerships

In 2002, the Company participated in an international call to become the technology partner of a London-based startup in the transportation sector. The Company won the selection, partly due to a positive evaluation by Professor Cynthia Barnhart of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thus began the collaboration with the newly founded Ecourier ltd, a company entering the logistics distribution market, primarily providing same-day delivery services in the metropolitan area of London.

The Company was able to capitalize on the skills developed in operational research, thanks also to collaborations in research projects with the University of Calabria. It developed a real-time fleet management system that enabled Ecourier to innovate its sector, becoming one of the top five distribution companies in the metropolitan area of London, and receiving numerous awards for innovation and technology use.
This collaboration also resulted in a patent: System and method for controlling the transport of articles.

Today, Ecourier is a leader in its sector.

New markets

In 2006, the Company positioned itself as a service provider for Value Team S.p.A., a company that was later acquired by NTT Data in 2011. Currently, we provide consulting services for the design and development of enterprise-level applications.

In the same year, a solid collaboration began with Itaca, a spin-off company from the University of Calabria. Initially, the Company provided innovative technology for the creation of products in the transportation sector. Subsequently, the collaborative relationship expanded to include research and development topics.

Research and Development

The Company has always viewed research as a valuable catalyst for innovation and business expansion. It was with this mindset that, in 2011, it became part of the Biotecnomed consortium.

Biotecnomed is a consortium company composed of Public Research Entities and Small, Medium, and Large Enterprises. Founded in 2011, it manages the Health Technologies Innovation Hub, established with contributions from the POR FESR Calabria 2007-2013 program, and the High Technology District for Human Health and Biotechnology, funded by the National Operational Program “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013 – MIUR.
The Consortium provides tools, ideas, and resources to the region to foster growth and the development of innovation, creating new business opportunities and collaborative growth for companies, universities, and research centers.

R&D consolidation

In 2014, we had the opportunity to join the CRMPA consortium, headquartered at the University of Salerno, and we seized this valuable chance to enhance our R&D sector.

CRMPA is a research organization compliant with the Community Guidelines on State Aid for Research, Development, and Innovation. It conducts non-profit activities in basic research, industrial research, and experimental development in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, and related disciplines. Additionally, CRMPA disseminates results through teaching, publication, technology transfer, and general scientific outreach activities.

Market consolidation

In 2018, the ISO 9001:2015 certification process was initiated and completed.

The Company initiated a process of consolidating its collaboration with Almaviva, embarking on a new consulting journey with significant national clients.

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

A new brand

A new brand marks another step in the Company's evolution, presenting a renewed corporate image that will guide us on a path of regeneration in the pursuit of new markets and international clients.


Code of Ethics 231 was implemented in 2024.

Legislative Decree 231/01 regulates the administrative liability of entities, legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality.

The Code of Ethics is neither mandatory nor binding under the law, but it has the fundamental purpose of preventing the commission of crimes and demonstrating to all stakeholders the fairness and transparency of the company.

Code of Ethics 231

Le origini

Alcuni ingegneri provenienti dal mondo di Olivetti Ricerca decidono di mettere a fattor comune le proprie competenze per creare una startup in Calabria. È il 1996, nasce Pegasoft e si propone sul mercato capitalizzando competenze di ricerca e sviluppo nel settore ICT. Inizialmente si occupa di progettazione e sviluppo di soluzioni hardware e software per professionisti, aziende pubbliche e private.
Alle attività di produzione si affiancano attività di ricerca e sviluppo finalizzate alla realizzazione di prodotti e competenze in grado di creare valore aggiunto e vantaggio competitivo per l'Azienda.

Collaborazioni internazionali

Nel 2002 l'Azienda partecipa ad una call internazionale per proporsi come partner tecnologico di una startup londinese nel settore trasporti. Vince la selezione, grazie anche ad una positiva valutazione da parte della Prof.ssa Cynthia Barnhart del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, quindi comincia a collaborare con l’allora neonata Ecourier ltd, azienda che si propone sul mercato della logistica distributiva fornendo, principalmente, servizi di same-day-delivery nell'area metropolitana di Londra.

L'Azienda riesce a capitalizzare le competenze sviluppate nell'ambito della ricerca operativa, grazie anche ad alcune collaborazioni in progetti di ricerca con l'Università della Calabria, sviluppando un sistema di gestione delle flotte in tempo reale che ha permesso ad Ecourier di innovare il settore di riferimento, diventando una fra le prime cinque aziende di distribuzione merci nell’area metropolitana di Londra, e riuscendo ad ottenere numerosi riconoscimenti come azienda innovativa e per l’utilizzo della tecnologia.
Da questa collaborazione nasce anche un brevetto System and method for controlling the transport of articles.

Oggi Ecourier è leader nel proprio settore.

Nuovi mercati

Nel 2006 l'Azienda si propone come fornitore di servizi per Value Team spa, azienda che nel 2011 viene acquisita da NTT Data. Attualmente forniamo servizi di consulenza per la progettazione e lo sviluppo di applicazioni di livello enterprise.

Nello stesso anno inizia una solida collaborazione con Itaca, azienda spin-off dell'Università dell'Università della Calabria. Inizialmente l'Azienda fornisce tecnologia innovativa per la realizzazione di prodotti in ambito trasporti, successivamente il rapporto di collaborazione si intensifica anche su tematiche di ricerca e sviluppo.


L'Azienda ha sempre visto la ricerca come un prezioso volano per innovare e ampliare il proprio business, ed è proprio in quest'ottica che nel 2011 entra a far parte del consorzio Biotecnomed.

Biotecnomed è una società consortile composta da Enti Pubblici di Ricerca e da Piccole, Medie e Grandi Imprese. Nata nel 2011, è il soggetto gestore del Polo di Innovazione Tecnologie della Salute realizzato con contributi POR FESR Calabria 2007-2013 e del Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia Salute dell’Uomo e Biotecnologie, finanziato dal Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-2013 – MIUR.
Il Consorzio mette a disposizione del territorio strumenti, idee e risorse per favorire la crescita e lo sviluppo di innovazione, per creare nuove opportunità di business e di crescita collaborativa per aziende, università e centri di ricerca.

Consolidamento del settore R&S

Nel 2014 abbiamo l'opportunità di entrare a far parte del consorzio CRMPA, che ha sede presso l'Università di Salerno, e riusciamo a cogliere questa preziosa occasione per dar maggiore incisività al settore R&S.

Il CRMPA è un organismo di Ricerca conforme alla Disciplina Comunitaria in materia di aiuti di Stato a favore di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Innovazione al fine di svolgere, senza scopro di lucro, attività di ricerca di base, di ricerca industriale e di sviluppo sperimentale nel campo della Matematica Pura e Applicata, dell’Informatica, dell’ Ingegneria, dell’Information and Communication Technology e di tutte le materie connesse, nonché di diffusione dei risultati, mediante l’insegnamento, la pubblicazione o il trasferimento di tecnologie e l’ attività di divulgazione scientifica in genere.

Consolidamento del mercato

Nel 2018 è stato avviato e completato l'iter di certificazione ISO 9001:2015.

L'azienda avvia un processo di consolidamento della collaborazione con Almaviva, iniziando un nuovo percorso di consulenza con importanti clienti a livello nazionale.


Un nuovo brand segna un ulteriore passo nell'evoluzione dell'Azienda, un'immagine aziendale rinnovata che ci accompagnerà in un percorso di rigenerazione alla ricerca di nuovi mercati e clienti internazionali.

// history

For twenty-eight years together:
a story to tell

The origins

A group of engineers from the Olivetti Research world decided to pool their expertise to create a startup in Calabria. It was 1996 when Pegasoft was founded, entering the market by capitalizing on research and development skills in the ICT sector. Initially, it focused on designing and developing hardware and software solutions for professionals, public and private companies.
Production activities are complemented by research and development efforts aimed at creating products and competencies that provide added value and a competitive advantage for the Company.

International partnerships

In 2002, the Company participated in an international call to become the technology partner of a London-based startup in the transportation sector. The Company won the selection, partly due to a positive evaluation by Professor Cynthia Barnhart of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thus began the collaboration with the newly founded Ecourier ltd, a company entering the logistics distribution market, primarily providing same-day delivery services in the metropolitan area of London.

The Company was able to capitalize on the skills developed in operational research, thanks also to collaborations in research projects with the University of Calabria. It developed a real-time fleet management system that enabled Ecourier to innovate its sector, becoming one of the top five distribution companies in the metropolitan area of London, and receiving numerous awards for innovation and technology use.
This collaboration also resulted in a patent: System and method for controlling the transport of articles.

Today, Ecourier is a leader in its sector.

New markets

In 2006, the Company positioned itself as a service provider for Value Team S.p.A., a company that was later acquired by NTT Data in 2011. Currently, we provide consulting services for the design and development of enterprise-level applications.

In the same year, a solid collaboration began with Itaca, a spin-off company from the University of Calabria. Initially, the Company provided innovative technology for the creation of products in the transportation sector. Subsequently, the collaborative relationship expanded to include research and development topics.

Research and Development

The Company has always viewed research as a valuable catalyst for innovation and business expansion. It was with this mindset that, in 2011, it became part of the Biotecnomed consortium.

Biotecnomed is a consortium company composed of Public Research Entities and Small, Medium, and Large Enterprises. Founded in 2011, it manages the Health Technologies Innovation Hub, established with contributions from the POR FESR Calabria 2007-2013 program, and the High Technology District for Human Health and Biotechnology, funded by the National Operational Program “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013 – MIUR.
The Consortium provides tools, ideas, and resources to the region to foster growth and the development of innovation, creating new business opportunities and collaborative growth for companies, universities, and research centers.

R&D consolidation

In 2014, we had the opportunity to join the CRMPA consortium, headquartered at the University of Salerno, and we seized this valuable chance to enhance our R&D sector.

CRMPA is a research organization compliant with the Community Guidelines on State Aid for Research, Development, and Innovation. It conducts non-profit activities in basic research, industrial research, and experimental development in the fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, and related disciplines. Additionally, CRMPA disseminates results through teaching, publication, technology transfer, and general scientific outreach activities.

Market consolidation

In 2018, the ISO 9001:2015 certification process was initiated and completed.

The Company initiated a process of consolidating its collaboration with Almaviva, embarking on a new consulting journey with significant national clients.

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

A new brand

A new brand marks another step in the Company's evolution, presenting a renewed corporate image that will guide us on a path of regeneration in the pursuit of new markets and international clients.


Code of Ethics 231 was implemented in 2024.

Legislative Decree 231/01 regulates the administrative liability of entities, legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality.

The Code of Ethics is neither mandatory nor binding under the law, but it has the fundamental purpose of preventing the commission of crimes and demonstrating to all stakeholders the fairness and transparency of the company.

Code of Ethics 231