// Continuing to innovate

Innovating for competitive advantage

To navigate a market like ours, it is necessary to keep up with the competition or, even better, stay one step ahead. To create innovation, it is necessary to stay on the frontier of research and experiment with new solutions that can have industrial applications. This is why we have been reinvesting a portion of our profits into research and development for many years, to maintain a high level of competitiveness within the Company.

Over the past 20 years, we have participated in numerous research and development activities, both as a service provider and as a proposer of research projects. This experience has significantly enriched our knowledge base and allowed us to develop a range of cutting-edge products, especially in the fields of logistics and decision support systems. In fact, in 2005, we were able to register a patent (System and method for controlling the transport of articles).

The company has been developing products for the healthcare market for a number of years, well aware of the stubborn barriers to entry and its own capacity for innovation. Our approach to entering this market is to offer products that can complement those of the major players, seeking to add value to their products and services.
Our two main healthcare research initiatives, Heartnetics and Alcmeone, are designed to capitalise on our expertise and develop innovative products and services for our target market.

In 2024, our project “TILaMaS – Tools for Implementing Land Management System for Biodiversity Conservation” was selected within the research and innovation programme Tech4You – Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, funded by the PNRR and the European Union – NextGenerationEU.
Inspired by Horizon Europe’s ‘Adaptation to Climate Change’ mission, the project aims to develop technologies for adaptation to climate change by improving the resilience of communities and reducing economic disparities in the region.

// highlighted


TILaMaS – Tools for Implementing Land Management System for Biodiversity Conservation is an industrial research and experimental development project selected within the Tech4You ecosystem (ECS code 00000009) (PNRR). MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, “From research to business”. INVESTMENT 1.5, ‘Creating and strengthening innovation ecosystems’, building ‘territorial R&D leaders’.


HEARTNETICS is an industrial research and experimental development project, submitted under the POR Calabria FESR 2014-2020, Implementation of complex research and development projects, Line 1.2.2. Its purpose is to provide a substantial and innovative contribution to making the processes of Predictive and Personalised Medicine more effective and efficient in the clinical domain of Cardiovascular Diseases.


ALCMEONE is an industrial research and experimental development project, submitted under the PON Enterprises and Competitiveness FESR 2014-2020, Horizon 2020 D.M. 01/06/2016. Its purpose is to design, develop and apply an innovative Technological Service Platform to support the effective and efficient Integrated Clinical Management of Headache Patients.

// timeline

Research, Innovation & Development


Programma di finanziamento e Missione: PNRR – M4C2 – INVESTIMENTO 1.5 AVVISO ECOSISTEMI DELL’INNOVAZIONE
Progetto: TILaMaS
Partnership: Pegasoft srl, Ark&Eng Studio srl
Ruolo: Lead applicant (lead partner)


Misura: Horizon 2020 – PON 2014/2020 FESR Azione 1.1.3
Progetto: ALCMEONE
Proponente: GPI, Pegasoft, Università della Calabria.
Ruolo: Lead applicant


Misura: POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 Azione 1.2.2
Proponente: Pegasoft, WeSmart, AC Technology, Università degli studi Magna Graecia.
Ruolo: Lead applicant (lead partner)


Misura: POR Calabria FESR 2007-2013 Linea di intervento
Progetto: HEARTDRIVE - Servizi avanzati per una più efficace ed efficiente gestione clinica integrata dello scompenso cardiaco e delle sue principali comorbidità
Proponente: Pegasoft, BVTECH, Dedalus, Divianimati, H2I, Itaca, Villa del Sole, Università della Calabria, Università degli studi Magna Graecia.
Ruolo: Lead applicant (lead partner)


Misura: PON REC 2007-2013
Progetto: SMOB - Social MOBility
Proponente: vari
Ruolo: Service provider to the lead applicant


Misura: PON REC 2007-2013
Progetto: NEUROSTAR - NEUROscienze e Sistemi, Tecnologie e procedure Avanzate per diagnosi/prognosi precoci e Recupero/contenimento del danno funzionale in soggetti con gravi disabilità da patologie acquisite del sistema nervoso centrale.
Proponente: Istituto S. Anna, CNR – Istituto di Scienze Neurologiche - Unità di Ricerca Neuroimmagini, Consorzio Cetma, Dedalus, GE Medical Systems italia, Infobyte@, Pegasoft, Università della Calabria, Università di Salerno, Università degli studi Magna Graecia.
Ruolo: Lead applicant


Misura: PON REC 2007-2013
Progetto: eJRM - electronic Justice Relationship Management
Proponente: BV TECH, Università della Calabria, Università di Salerno, Università di Milano Bicocca, Italdata, Selex Elsag, SiLiNE
Ruolo: Service provider to the lead applicant


Misura: PON REC 2007-2013
Progetto: TESS - Tecnologie a supporto della sanità
Proponente: vari
Ruolo: Service provider to the lead applicant


Measure: art.5 DM 593/00
Project: RACCORSU - Razionalizzazione ed ottimizzazione del sistema di raccolta dei rifiuti solidi urbani
Lead Applicant: GSG Software SRL
Role: service provider to the lead applicant


Misura: Progetto Esplorativo Regione Puglia
Progetto: E-FLEET – Tecnologie dell'Informazione e delle Comunicazioni per la Mobilità di Merci e Persone
Proponente: Università del Salento, Infotel, Pegasoft
Ruolo: Lead applicant


Misura: Fondo per le agevolazioni alla ricerca - MIUR
Progetto: INFOSFERA - Ambiente unificato per l'integrazione di informazioni e processi attraverso portali WEB
Proponente: CM Sistemi SPA
Ruolo: Service provider to the lead applicant

Rischio zero

Misura: 297/99
Progetto: Rischio Zero - Riorganizzazione della Supply Chain dell'Industria Alimentare
Proponente: PADUANO SRL Centro Distribuzione Supermercati
Ruolo: Service provider to the lead applicant