Horizon 2020 – PON 2014/2020 FESR Azione 1.1.3


GPI, Pegasoft, Università della Calabria

Alcmeone, a project supporting the integrated clinical management of headache patients.

Submitted under the PON Enterprises and Competitiveness FESR 2014-2020, Horizon 2020 D.M. 01/06/2016, ALCMEONE is an industrial research and experimental development project. Its purpose is to design, develop and apply an innovative Technological Service Platform to support the effective and efficient Integrated Clinical Management of Headache Patients.

ALCMEONE focuses on creating a highly collaborative and cooperative integrated ecosystem that, through the acquisition, integration, and processing of clinical-healthcare data, information, and knowledge, provides appropriate informational and decisional support to all stakeholders (patients and healthcare professionals) within the complex care and assistance system that characterizes the clinical domain of Headaches and Migraines. ALCMEONE aims to concretely establish innovative organizational models and clinical-healthcare processes that ensure continuity of care, integration between hospital and community care, and rationalization of expenditure

The overarching goal of the ALCMEONE project is to improve the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services and provisions within the organized and structured context of Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Paths (PDTA) in the clinical domain of headaches and migraines. Among its specific objectives, significant emphasis is placed on supporting cooperative collaboration among all healthcare professionals involved, as well as between these professionals and the patient. This support extends to empowering patients in managing their own health conditions. Improving health and enhancing population well-being are strategic objectives of the Horizon 2020 community program, achievable through the definition of new organizational models for chronic disease management, often resulting from increased life expectancy. This also includes the identification and development of innovative ICT systems to support the enhancement and monitoring of continuity of care pathways.

In this perspective, the ALCMEONE project aims to design and develop an organizational model and an innovative technological platform of services. It focuses on both the management of chronic patients (Chronic Care Model) and the prevention, management, and early treatment of socially significant diseases. Within this context, headaches represent one of the most common neurological disorders and pose a significant healthcare challenge due to their impact on work efficiency and social activities. According to the WHO, headaches rank third among disabling conditions.

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